Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy thoughts, happy life!

"What you allow to take root in your heart is what will fill your thoughts. What you think about is what you will speak of. What you speak of is what you will see in your life."  Or something like that. I read that some time ago and it has (mostly) stuck in my mind ever since. And I think I like it. I think I want to ponder it a little more and maybe try it on for size and see how much of the ickyness in this world I can conquer with it.

So...Happy Fact Number 1: Ryan had a new CT scan done two weeks ago, and one week ago we met with his new Oncologist who said the cancer is still totally stable! :)) Next scan in 3 months!

Happy Fact Number 2: Stella does not appear as of yet to be pregnant, and Maxx has been well and soundly "fixed". :)

Happy Fact 3: Ryan surprised me with the purchase of a camper! :) He haggled an awesome deal on it, and I began working on it last weekend. It needs fixing up, but that means I got to use a sledge hammer again, and THAT is an awesome means of letting go of pent-up ickyness, lemme tell ya!

Happy Fact 4: We thought we needed to replace the roof of the camper. Ryan was working on that yesterday, and I did my part by buying curtains for it, on clearance! :) Not for the roof. The inside, for the windows. The inside that currently has no walls and I didn't expect to have a roof when I got home yesterday. (Hey...we all contribute where we have the best capability... mine happens to be demolition and decorating.) Turns out though, we DON'T need a new roof. Just some repairs that Ryan can totally handle with a quickness. Granted we still need new walls...and a ceiling...and some flooring here and there....but honestly, my curtains purchase doesn't seem so in-opportune now, does it? 

Last Happy Fact For The Moment: Today is a new day. Yesterday ended rather badly. Ryan and I argued (not about roofs or curtains) and Brycen tried to break Jaedens foot with the car door after she tried to take his head off with a flying car seat. I tried to take my youngest three for a walk/bike ride and Isaac happily plowed everyone and everything in his path RIGHT over while he watched me instead of looking where he was going to make sure I was watching HIM. Payten tried to skin the skin right off her little stick-legs whilst roller-skating for the walk. And Nikki tried intently and frustratingly to ride her two-wheeler. On asphalt. Around a hundred other people innocently walking along. I went to bed at 8:30 in tears saying "If you ever loved me a day in your life then just GO. TO. BED. And LEAVE me ALONE!!!"     However..... today is a new day! And I am going to make it a happy one!!!!


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