Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring Fever!!!

It's hitting hard! Two full days of sunshine in a row now; most all traces of snow gone from the ground; and I killed the first spider I've seen in months in the bathroom last night, which oddly enough is always a sure sign of warmer days on the way. And I am so ready! Matter of fact, as I sit here this morning drugged with antibiotics, ibuprofen, and coffee, I have been making list after list of all the Spring things I'm going to do soon as I feel better. I'm almost done with my master list, the one where I list all the lists I have so I can go through them in order, and then first thing tomorrow morning (I pray) I will be ready to jump out of bed and tackle the first list on the list. Which somehow makes me feel like Spring is going to come faster, and again, I am so ready!!!

 Ryan has been making lists too, but his are more centered around this dream world he lives in inside his head. In Ryan's world we are rather wealthy, and can buy insane things like ATVs, and build Olympic size swimming pools in the back yard. Our five children listen, don't try to kill each other as soon as we all get in the car together, and are lovingly grateful for the wonderful life we provide them.We can go on vacation for a week or even two, to far away places, because the animals all take care of themselves. *sigh*  I love his dreams. I wish I could make most of them come true. I would settle for gaining the ability to just hear him out when he shares them with me, rather than automatically shaking my head like a bobble-head on the fritz.

I've decided that between my lists and his dreams, a good compromise would be something along the lines of investing a wee bit into getting the four-wheeler running again, and planning a few near-to-home camping excursions. The closer the better, because we can run home for animal duties and the kids would only have minutes rather than hours to torment and kill one another off. Some days I want to let them. Just sayin'. Back to the point though, if anyone has any suggestions for great near-to-portage-county camping, please share!!! If anyone has any advice on making a tent as night-time comfy as possible, please please share!!! I get cranky when I don't sleep well, and I don't sleep well on the ground, nor on wobbly air mattresses. Cranky me means no fun for anyone, and it all just goes downhill from there.

And sadly, that's all I've got for today. Already have to reconsider the "post every day" plan. My life just really doesn't have it going on as much as I thought it did when I came up with that idea. As for you all--get outside. At the least, go press your face against a window for a few minutes. Soak up the sun--it does wonderful things for the psyche!

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