Monday, December 10, 2012

Our Notebook

     I've been bouncing around the idea of doing away with all this~the blog, the twitter, the facebook... that's why I've been so silent 'round those parts. The twitter very well may still go--because it turns out I'm even more random in 140-characters-or-less than I am in real life. The rest, I think I'm re-focused enough now to continue.
      Lost my way for a little bit in the numbers game. See, blogs and facebook group pages, and even twitter accounts, they are all numbers driven. Every time you log on they assault your senses with graphs and bold black numbers telling you how well your doing, or not. They scream at you to build your audience and get hit on more and make new friends. Something like that. And I crumbled under the pressure! Ok, not really...really I just said "Phht!" and walked away.
     Because I have never in my life been "popular". No one save the senile would ever mistake me for a trend-setter. Much as I might dream of passing some great knowledge onto someone else; anyone in my day to day will tell you lightning-quick that I am nowhere near organized enough to properly remember how I do most things, let alone "teach" anyone else. So my graphs all hover like a drunk bumble-bee, just baaaarely visible above the ground line. My numbers are shockingly lower than the one I see on the scale when I dare to take it for a spin. And my friends who like to hit on my tweets? Eh~point made I guess. It's a little disheartening. Enough so to make me say "phht!" and start thinking about keeping my thoughts to myself.
     Then, I got ridiculously sick. Flu. Woke up one day last week with a cough, and by that afternoon had been run over by a convoy of at least 4 trucks I think. It's been 6 days. 6 long, ridiculous days... and Ryan has been incredible the entire time! He quarantined me to the bedroom, and bought himself masks to wear when he had to come in to check on me. He made me soup and orange juice and has slept on the couch for almost a full week now. He researched all the active ingredients in every flu/cold medicine available at our local Family Dollar to get me the one that seemed most likely to help ease my misery. He's used almost a full gallon of bleach and 2 1/2 cans of  Lysol throughout the house since I first got sick. He texts me while he lays on the couch at night and I lay in bed, watching the same show on tv, so we can "talk" about it. And all of that reminded me why I started this blogging stuff in the first place. Graphs and numbers and likes~phht. This is our "Notebook". :)

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